How to use this Plant Found in SIngapore blog

This blog is for name searching of plants found in Singapore. Since I am no botanist, my blogs only contains the picture and its Latin name (Scientific name). The common name and all other information are omitted. You can use any search engine to look for more info. The main purpose is just to get people started by at least finding the plants' name.

I have also tagged the blogs with its Family name and the Gender name (the first part of the Latin name). User can select a Gendre or Family name to get the list.

 I have a mirror site at It uses the traditional blog view with a category (label) list on the left.

It was my sincere hope that this blog can help novice like me to appreciate the nature better.

Should you need to find more information on the particular specie, you can visit the following.

Flora Fauna Web
The Plant Observatory
The Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online

Please note that the names are derived from looking at pictures of plants on other sites. (I do not want to go through the academic way to identify the plants.) It is not 100% accurate. If you find any mistake, kindly leave a comment.

I also added a number of the entries here into  You can view the species and find out more information of the specie in iNaturalist. By clicking the title of the specie you are directed to iNaturalist or Wikipedia article on the specie.

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